AmigaActive (1740/2143)

From:John Lord
Date:27 May 2000 at 16:35:16
Subject:Re: AA issue 9

Hi Michael.J.Every

, On 27-May-00, you wrote:

> Anyone had any luck running the Heretic II Demo on AGA? (Have read the
> troubleshooting guide on hyperion's site)
> All I get is a warpos exception shortly after it opens a screen...
> bah.... Where IS that BVision I ordered! :-(

I've been able to get it running, sort of.
I run it from Dopus WMR, with about 42M fast mem free, and managed to play the
tutorial part, (can't get the bloody key yet), but when I try to actualy play
the game part of the demo, I get the same as you.

I also run it from ordinary OS3.5 WB the same. I DO have a Bvision card btw.

I also have been trying to get it to run by booting without s-s and then using
a shell window, but got the same error message each time, 'unable to open
window'. Anyone worked out just what commands need to be run in this way to
get it to work?


Reality is for people who lack imagination.


John E Lord. ICQ 39248297 Nick = Chaos

*** OS 3.5 ***

~*--------- A1200 BlizzardPPC 240mhz 060/50 --------*~

~*----------------- BlizzardVision ----------------*~

Supporting Magnum Opus -

Supporting Free Local Calls -

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

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